“Get Ready for a Season of God Surprises”
“Get Ready for a Season of God Surprises”
I heard the Lord say, “Get ready to experience My surprises.” You are entering a season where SURPRISES are going to be given to you by your Heavenly Father. Some of them will be totally unexpected, while others will be long-awaited answers to prayers. The strongholds of demonic forces that have delayed your breakthrough are breaking now! Get ready for the coming of immense joy and the showcasing of the power of God into your life.
While in prayer, I specifically heard the Lord declare, “I am going public with your breakthrough. You will see out-of-the-blue miracles that were unexpected, but also long-awaited answers to prayers that were prayed years and even decades ago.”
Allow me to testify of a surprise from the Lord that I recently received. It was a confirmation of what He had spoken to me about this season. I had watched a minister on television and couldn’t help but admire his sharp attire. The belt he wore caught my eye; it was incredibly distinguished. I thought to myself that I would love to have a belt like that someday. However, being familiar with the brand, I knew it had to be quite pricey, so I dismissed the thought from my mind.
A week later, my wife walked in with a package my aunt, who is a successful businesswoman, had sent to me. When I opened the box, to my great surprise, inside was the very belt I had admired! I hadn’t mentioned my desire to anyone, nor had I formally asked God for it. Mind you, it was just a fleeting thought. I had assumed such a belt was beyond my reach, yet here it was, a beautiful reminder of how the Lord knows our hearts and is aware of every thought that crosses through our minds. HE IS A GOD OF SURPRISES!
You might be thinking, Andrew, how superficial this all seems. Why would God care about giving you a belt? I would answer you that He cares about every detail of your life. When I opened the package, I felt the Lord’s presence, and He whispered to me, “This is a little surprise from your Father.” I then remembered the words of Jesus, Who said that when you seek FIRST the Kingdom of God, then all the other THINGS will be added to you (Mat. 6:33). God knows my heart. He knows that material things do not have a grip on me. I am blessed and very thankful for those blessings, but He can have anything I am a steward of because it all belongs to Him anyway.
The Gospel of John recorded the story of a man who was born blind, whom Jesus healed. But before He healed him, the disciples asked if he was born blind because of his or his parent’s sin.
“Jesus answered, ‘Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but it was so that the works of God might be displayed and illustrated in him’” (Joh. 9:3, AMP).
By those words, Jesus revealed to His disciples that his birth defect was caused by the fallen state of man, not as a direct sin that the man or his parents had committed. Moreover, He declared to them what they were to focus on, and it was not the problem but the answer, which was God’s power to heal him. Jesus said, “But it was so that the works of God might be displayed.” Jesus was announcing that He would take what Satan had meant for evil and turn it around for good. Listen! I just heard the Spirit of prophecy say to you, “Just like the man born blind and received a miracle breakthrough; God is giving you a supernatural turnaround to display His goodness to the world. Your life will be an illustration of the power of God!”
Take note that this blind man did not seek out a miracle. He was just standing there with blindness when Jesus passed him. Imagine being this man—blind from birth, when suddenly a Man comes to you, spits on the dirt, forming clay, and then rubs it on your eyes, telling you to “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (which is translated, Sent). So, he went away and washed and came back seeing” (Joh. 9:7, AMP).
Talk about SURPRISE. The blind man who was healed experienced the biggest surprise of his life. He was sent on nothing more than a prophetic word and yet received his miracle. Today, my friend, God is sending you on this prophetic word, “This is your time for an out-of-the-blue miracle. You will experience the supernatural surprises from your Father.”
I love to surprise my children with gifts. I get such joy from seeing their faces light up with excitement when they see that I was thinking about them or their desires. That is precisely what God feels when He surprises you.
You may be reading this thinking this sounds too good to be true, but I assure you, there has been a seismic shift in the Spirit. Things that have taken a long time in the past are coming forth suddenly. The body of Christ is moving into our greatest hour. We will be a part of the most incredible revival and outpouring like never before experienced, and it includes giving you the desires of your heart. Remember, it is not about the blessing. It is about the Blesser. When you pursue Him, you find Him. “He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek after Him” (Heb. 11:6).