"There is Coming a Sudden Surge!"
While in prayer, I heard the Holy Spirit speak one word to me, “Surge”. I quickly went to research the definition of this word to receive further clarity as to what He wanted to convey to me. The word “surge” is defined, according to dictionary.com as, “a strong, wavelike, forward movement, rush, or sweep”.
God says to you today, “Get ready for a sudden surge! Things that have been held back are suddenly being released. Promises that you gave up on long ago are coming full circle in this hour. There is a shock-like wave that is coming, and all the world will see what I am doing. I am bringing forth a strong movement, unlike any that you have ever seen in the past. It will indeed be a rush and a sweep of victory.I have heard the prayer of My people. I have seen their tears and have come down to deliver them. This world will gasp with amazement as I accelerate My plan and My people forward. No longer will My Church be kept silent, hidden behind locked doors and confined to church pews. No! There is a roar that will not be quieted. I am calling forth all the lovers of My presence and the releasers of My glory. I sound the prophetic trumpet and declare that this is the time to let My voice boom to the Nations!”
As I continued to pray to gain more insight into this word “surge”, the Lord showed me a clear vision of a surge protector, a power strip, much like the one into which I have my computer plugged. A surge protector is used to block any sudden power currents; they limit the amount of voltage supplied to an electrical device. I heard the Lord say to me, “Too many have surge protectors on their hearts and lives. The surge that I am sending will require for My people to take their limiters off. The power of My Spirit will flow through those that have moved outside of the barriers of ‘Church as usual’. This new move of My Spirit is marked by My glory.”
“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert” (Isa. 43:19).
Recorded in John 11 was the story of two ‘sold-out’ followers of Jesus Christ, who happened to be two sisters who experienced a crisis moment in their lives. The story involved the two women’s brother whose name was Lazarus. He had become very sick, even to the point of dying. Their first thought, which they put into action, was to send a messenger to Jesus, requesting that He come and heal their brother. After all, they had seen Him do many outstanding miracles. Their thinking was that when He learned of Lazarus’ condition, and them knowing how much He loved him, that He surely would drop everything and come at once and heal their brother. Surprisingly to them, after Jesus learned from the messenger that Lazarus was dying, He did not immediately come.
The sisters stood by helpless as they watched the grueling sickness ravage their brother until his body was left completely lifeless. Broken and emotionally drained, the two sisters were leftgoing through the grieving process. It was on the fourth day from Lazarus’ passing that Jesus finally came to Bethany. Martha eagerly ran outside to meet Jesus, but Mary stayed in the house, totally absorbed in her grief.
Martha said one of the highest voltage statements of faith that was recorded in the Bible. She said “even now, whatever You will ask of God, God will give it You” (Joh. 11:22). Those two words, “even now”, sent a sudden SURGE into motion. Today, you may be looking at dead circumstances all around you and if that is the case, I encourage you right now to rise up in faith like Martha. Speak to that hopeless and lifeless situation. Speak to the Lord in faith and say with Martha, “Lord, I believe you for an “even now” miracle.”
They took Jesus to the cave where Lazarus had been buried. Jesus instructed those standing near to roll away the stone that had sealed the tomb. He said three words that sent a surge that caused dead things to come alive, “Lazarus, come forth” (Joh. 11:43). Know this, that when God calls you forth, it does not matter who has buried you, or who does not like it, or who celebrated your funeral, there is nothing that anyone can do and there no power on earth that can stop that supernatural surge of God’s Word calling you forth!
I hear the Lord say for me to prophetically call you forth from the circumstances that has knocked the wind out of you and left you lifeless. You are breathing but you are lifeless. Hear the Spirit of the Lord declaring to you today, “Come forth!” This is the time that we, as a society, will see a sudden surge of God’s power, answers to prayer and an outpouring of His Spirit. The unfolding of His plans are at hand. I implore you to keep praying, keep standing and keep contending. This is not the time to retreat or to take a backseat. No, this is the time for the Church to roar!