"Cross the Threshold!"
“Cross the Threshold”
While in prayer, the Lord showed me a vision of a door. There wasn’t anything extravagant about the door. In fact, it looked ordinary or I might even say plain. I could not understand what the Lord was trying to speak to me. Then I heard Him say, “It is time to cross the threshold!” I suddenly realized that it wasn’t about the door per se, rather He was speaking to me about what was on the other side of the door. He was giving me an invitation to cross over into something new.
I quickly looked up the definition of the word “threshold” and discovered that Dictionary.com defined it as “any place or point of entering or beginning”. I then heard Him say that He is giving us believers the invitation to cross over into a new move of God. We are standing at the threshold of revival. Some will accept the invitation and enter in. And they will experience an outpouring of God’s Spirit in their lives, churches, families, finances as they have never known before, while others will reject the invitation because it will require change and stepping into the unknown. They will choose complacency over pursuit.
When I reflected further on why the door that I saw in the vision was simple and not luxurious, God revealed to me that this threshold is available to everyone. This move of God is not about appearance; it is about substance.
I have been prophesying since 2019 about a new move of God that is coming, and I can tell you for certain—It is here!He spoke to me that man’s ways of doing things are over. The manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit are making a comeback in the Church. No longer would we be able to simply proclaim God’s Word, but we will be anointed to demonstrate God’s power to the world.
“ 12 And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought (worked) among the people… 14And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women. 15 Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them. 16 There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed everyone” (Acts 5:12, 14-16).
Did Peter’s shadow heal the sick and cast out devils? It was the people’s faith that pulled on the anointing that operated through Peter, and God responded to their faith with miracle signs and wonders. The definition of the word “shadow”is “a dark figure or image cast on the ground or some surface by a body intercepting light.” Did you get that? Listen up! This is powerful! Peter was intercepting the light of the Holy Spirit, and it was casting a shadow on those who needed a breakthrough. God has called each one of us to be the light of the world. You have been purposed to carry the glory of God. Wherever you go, the atmosphere should shift because of what you carry. I believe miracles will become the new normal in the life of believers, not only in church services but also in the marketplace and wherever people gather. God is raising up the burning ones set ablaze with His power and radiating light to the world. We will see shadow miracles once again.
“For all of God’s promises find their “yes” of fulfillment in Him. And as His ‘yes’ and our ‘amen’ ascend to God, we bring Him glory!” (2 Co. 1:20, TPT).
God says, “Yes! This is the time for you to cross the threshold into personal and corporate revival.” Will you answer His “yes” with your “amen (so be it)”? Would you come into agreement with what He desires to do through you?
Revival is not a marketing catchphrase or even a series of meetings held at a church. It is a supernatural intervention of God. Revival is the Holy Spirit blowing His breath and resuscitating something that had become lifeless. It cannot be manufactured or worked up, though, it available to anyone who will pursue God with all their heart.
“ 12 Then you will call on Me, and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear [your voice], and I will listen to you. 13 Then [with a deep longing] you will seek Me and require Me [as a vital necessity] and [you will] find Me when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jer. 29:12-13, AMP).
Prayer and pursuit are the dynamic duos that release God’s supernatural intervention in our lives. God is looking for the ones that He can trust to steward His power. He desires to demonstrate His ability, not as a show or so that a person can receive the glory. No! He is looking for yielded vessels that will allow Him to flow through them to show the world who He is.
Today is your day to be revived and to show forth the power of God to the world. God is asking you to cross the threshold into revival. Even now a fresh wind of God is blowing revival fire into you!