"Get Ready for a Resurgence!"

 I heard the voice of the Lord speak to me and say, “Get ready!!! The Church (The Remnant) will see a sudden RESURGENCE!” 


Resurgence is not a word that I use in my everyday vocabulary. In fact, I am not sure that I have ever used the word, however, I knew the general meaning of it. But in order to better understand what God was saying to me, I quickly looked up its formal definition. “Resurgence”, according to dictionary.com is “the act or fact rising again or returning; revival.”


After I read that definition, I felt like running around my office. I got it! God was proclaiming to us, His remnant, to get ready for a rising again or returning of His Church. There is coming the greatest revival that we have ever experienced. When something is revived, it means it comes to life again. In spite of the fact that in 2020 you had the breath knocked out of you physically, emotionally, financially and even spiritually, God’s work in and through you is not finished! The Holy Spirit desires to breathe fresh wind into your lifeless promises.


The Lord recently showed me a vision of a group of people that appeared to be in a zombie-like state. They were moving, talking, going through the motions, and yet inside they were vacant There was no life, no joy, and no expectation within them. I knew that God was showing me the state of many in the kingdom, how that the wind had been knocked out of them. They once were full of life and vigor but now they were going through the motions and were lifeless. God wants you to live again. This is your year to rise again. We are standing at the threshold of a great revival. Can you feel expectancy rising up inside of you as it has in me? 


After I had this vision, the Lord quickly reminded me that I was the ultimate example of the lifeless warrior that had been revived by the breath of God. I went through three years of hellish depression. I left my house very few times during that period. I placed aluminum foil over all the windows to block light from getting in. I unplugged all of my phones and refused to answer the door for anyone. I stopped eating and wasted away to 130 pounds, and for my height and frame it was a deathly low weight. I was physically alive but there was no breath of the Spirit in me. I was buried in the tomb of hopelessness. After three years of constant battle, I was tired. I found myself at the end of my rope. I was unaware that this was the day that God had orchestrated my deliverance. 


As I lay in my bed with tears streaming down my face, I began to think about what I could take in my medicine cabinet to bring an end to this battle. The enemy had me convinced that this world would be better without me. Then something suddenly unexpected happened. One line of a song hit my spirit. I will never forget what happened to me that day. I can only describe it as a quickening. It felt as if a bolt of electricity had hit my spirit. I released a cry of desperation. I said, “The God Whom I have served my entire life, if You are really real, then I need for You to come and deliver me today. Help me.” I want to tell you that right then and there the presence of God filled my little living room, and God breathed the breath of life back into me, setting me free. Immediately I was awakened. I had been revived.


What God did for me, a lifeless warrior, He will also do for you. I can hear the wind of God blowing into your life even now. This is your hour! The time is now. God is calling you from the tomb of disappointment. He is calling you out from the grave of hopelessness. The Spirit of the Lord says, “This is your day for a RESURGENCE!” 


After the day the Lord delivered me from my tomb of depression, I turned in my Bible to John 11, the story of Lazarus and his sisters. 


“Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if You had been here, my brother had not died. But I know, that even now, whatever You will ask of God, God will give it You. Jesus said unto her, Your brother shall rise again” (John 11:21-23).


I hear the Lord saying, “It is time to believe. This is the moment of awakening. I am calling My Bride to arise from her weak, powerless, anemic condition. I say to you today, this is your resurrection season! Yes indeed, My glory will  be seen and My power will flow through My warrior Bride. I say to you, ‘Come Forth!’ You have been asleep too long. The alarm of awakening is sounding. Can you hear the noise of dry bones coming to life again? Can you feel the shaking of the rattle of them coming together as one great army? Do you sense the sudden resurgence that is coming suddenly? It is time!”


The dead shall rise! 


“And when He thus had spoken, He cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus said unto them, Loose him, and let him go” (John 11:43-44).


Be loosed from the grave clothes of your last season and let go from every dead thing trying to cause you to remain in the tomb. I prophesy to you today, “This is your moment. The authority of Heaven is backing you up. ARISE!” 


“The entire universe is standing on tiptoe yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters!” (Rom. 8:19, TPT).


Andrew Towe